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The Summit Registry Search Results

Mt. Baker - Easton Glacier

Mt. Baker - Easton Glacier
8/14 - 8/16/2023

Guides: Mike Walter, Will Nash,

  • Andrew Green
  • Holly Knowles
  • Elizabeth McClane
  • Davis Parkins

Four Day Climb

Four Day Climb
8/2 - 8/5/2023

Guides: Casey Grom, Jess Wedel, Will Nash,

  • Peter Griff
  • Alex Jones
  • Brandon Long
  • Caitlin Wilkins
  • Andy Yan

Four Day Climb

Four Day Climb
7/31 - 8/3/2023

Guides: Ben Luedtke, Will Nash, Raymond Holt,

  • Dan Dinelt
  • Sarah Dolan
  • Leslie Dominguez
  • Jamie Greene
  • Diane Haensel
  • Kristina Matazinske
  • Jon Purcell
  • Philip Smith

Four Day Climb

Four Day Climb
7/26 - 7/29/2023

Guides: Leif Bergstrom, Pete Van Deventer, Will Nash,

  • Caleb Blom
  • Jorge Dennis
  • Aaron Dennis
  • Luca Grabau

Four Day Climb

Four Day Climb
7/12 - 7/15/2023

Guides: Abby Westling, Nick Sinapius, Will Nash,

  • Raul Castrellon
  • Brian Dury
  • Li Jiang
  • Alison Kaestner
  • Alexander Stone
  • Jason Tonn

Four Day Climb

Four Day Climb
7/3 - 7/6/2023

Guides: Hannah Smith, Roland Scott, Will Nash,

  • Zachary Cole
  • Tiankan Li
  • Tim Loar
  • Jennifer Loar
  • Andy Loar
  • Amanda Macco
  • Ashley Wiese
  • Carla Wiese

Four Day Climb

Four Day Climb
6/28 - 7/1/2023

Guides: Casey Grom, Paul Maier, Mike Bennett, Will Nash,

  • Timothy Clark
  • Vasu Kakarlapudi
  • Ganesh Kakarlapudi
  • Todd MacDermid
  • Jayanth Mariyappa
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